Graduated in Photography from Centro Universitário Senac (2004). Since 2005, Luisa has been working as a film restoration and conservation technician at the Cinemateca Brasileira, where she specializes in photochemical restoration of films with dyeing and turning. He applied the desmet method, developed by the Belgian restorer Noel Desmet, in several important titles of Brazilian filmography, such as: “Braza dormida”, “O segredo do corcunda”, “Grandezas de Pernambuco”, “Companhia Mogyana de Estradas de Ferro”, “Jurando vingar”, among others. She is also responsible for the technician and operator of a scanner specialized in high-resolution digitalization of films that show deterioration.
Since 2003, she has been developing authorial work based on the study of 19th century photography and cinema techniques. Represented by Verve Galeria since 2013, she has participated in numerous exhibitions in Brazil and abroad, and has two works at the Rio MAR art museum. She won the Jabuti 2020 award in the cover category, with the book: Penitentes – dos ritos de sangue à fascinação do fim do mundo by photographer Guy Veloso.
She develops master’s research under the guidance of professor Eduardo Victorio Morettin on the restoration of color in silent cinema in Brazil.